Gail B. Veley is a professional dressage and jumping trainer with 30 years of riding, teaching and training experience. She has been certified for 28 years through The American Riding Instructor’s Association. Located in St. George, Utah, Gail Veley Equestrian Services offers: Horseback Riding Lessons and Horse Training. Website: website: gailveleyequestrian.com
May 14, 2012
The Ranchette Veley Equestrian Center May 2012 Horse Show
Saturday May 12th, 2012 was the date of The Ranchette Veley Equestrian Center Spring Horse Show. Congratulations to all the riders and volunteers who worked so hard to make it all possible. Every rider worked so hard and deserves a huge round of applause!!
Special Recognition and deepest thanks to:
Judge Frank Callagee
Dressage Scribe and Scorer Doris Johnson
Ring Steward Chris Levine
Facility Manager Ron Veley
Photographer Todd Tischler
Rider Awards/1st Place:
Amber Foster and Worth the Wait Introductory Level Test C 79.000%
Rick Crockett and Allstar's Game Introductory Level Test B 74.375%
Susan Lundgreen and Braveheart Training Level Test 1 62.916%
Susan Lundgreen and Braveheart Training Level Test 2 63.928%
Special thanks to our "stand-in" Judge Cierra Tischler during my exhibition ride
on Mijn Genezer - Second Level Test 3 with a score of 76.666%.
1st Place Awards:
Linda Filter and Royal Lady Di Walk-Trot
Erica Filter and Serious Mr. "M" Walk-Trot
Amber Foster and Worth the Wait Walk-Trot-Canter
Hannah Doherty and My Lady Lou Trail Division A - tie
Erica Filter and Serious Mr. "M" Trail Division A - tie
Cierra Tischler and Allstar's Game Trail Division B
Cierra Tischler and My Lady Lou Jumping 2'3"
Amber Foster and Allstar's Game Jumping 2'0"
Looking forward to our Fall Show on September 22, 2012. Thanks again!!
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